
Monday, December 2, 2013

Cuddle Season

I'm not much of a cold-weather person. As I often reiterate to my northern friends, I was born on a tropical island, and shivering my ass off (which is a feat, considering the size of my ass) is simply not for me. But there are several aspects of the chillier weather that I can, as an optimist, appreciate. 

What I enjoy about cold weather 
(In no particular order)
1.) Sweaters and boots- Along with Dracula-esque dark circles, my winter uniform consists of skinny jeans, sweatshirts, and leather boots. If I wear leggings, it means that  the demands of the Ivy Leagues have officially triumphed over my vanity for the day. 

2.) Skiing/snowboarding- I'm no Shawn White, but I do like to hit the slopes with some friends. I may curse the snow when it turns into grey slush, yet I must admit its uses when it comes to recreational activities. My last attempt at snowboarding was the cause of bruising worthy of Chris Brown, so if anybody will offer snowboarding lessons to this skier, I will definitely consider it!

3.) Cuddling- This is cuddle season after all! Nothing like being in a warm bed in a cozy house and snuggling with someone cute.

I foresee many afternoons spent with my dog as a space heater

I hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving! Happy Monday!